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Meet the new Travel Safety Sector Panellists

Meet the new Travel Safety Sector Panellists

Enda Kelleher and James Brazelton joined the Travel Safety Panel on 1 January 2024, for a term of three years. As long-standing members of WYSE, we look foward to seeing what they bring to the Panel and Confederation. Enda, hi, and welcome to the Travel Safety Panel!...
Meet the new Study Abroad panellist

Meet the new Study Abroad panellist

Jacqui Fox joined the Study Abroad Panel on 1 January 2024. With a long history working within the industry, we look forward to seeing what the next three years bring. Hi Jacqui! Welcome to the Study Abroad Panel. We’d like to pick your brain on a couple of topics....
Meet the new WYSE Management Board Chair

Meet the new WYSE Management Board Chair

Sébastien Leitner joined the WYSE Travel Confederation Management Board as Chairperson on 1 January 2024. We look forward to his insights and input into the strategic direction of WYSE over the next three years. Hi Sébastien, and welcome to the WYSE Management Board....
Meet our new Accommodation Panel Chair

Meet our new Accommodation Panel Chair

Diogo Vaz Ferreira joined the Accommodation Panel as Chair on 1 January 2024, for a term of three years. We are delighted to count on Diogo’s invaluable support and guidance for the Accommodation Panel and the strategic direction of WYSE. Olá, Diogo and welcome...
Meet the new WYSE members of 2023

Meet the new WYSE members of 2023

Welcome to all our new members of 2023. We are delighted to see our network continue to grow, allowing us to offer you even more opportunities to trade and forge global partnerships to develop your business. ABROAD FIRST SL + Read more Spain Adventures In Borneo S/B +...